
Love the Bus Again at City’s Edge

There was a time when taking the bus was my main and sole choice for going out, as there were insufficient subway lines. Back then, I loathed buses due to the crowds and the constant bouts of carsickness I endured. Once there was a subway station near my home, I seldom took buses. After all, who wouldn’t desire a clean and comfortable place to roam in the city?

Things have changed. I witnessed people cramming into those tiny compartments. People squeeze into the subway for work or to go out and have fun. Regardless of the purpose, I was invariably exhausted after a long ride. People are dashing and pushing, giving me the sense that only by speeding up can I attain a decent life. Occasionally, when I’m fortunate enough to have a seat, the bright lights, cool air, and clean yet chilly seats all make me feel as if I’m in a hospital. All the comforts that the subway provides seem to merely bestow upon it the trait of convenience.

Today, I took the bus to a library near my house as it was the most convenient way. I re-discovered that buses are not what I had previously thought. It is also clean and quiet. Perhaps this is because I was not in a rush and I was traveling far from downtown. Moreover, I found it quite pleasant on the bus, enjoying the outside views, which is not the case with subways. I could relish the city in a way I had almost forgotten. I saw elders wasting their time sitting under the trees, and I wondered about the lives of passers-by. Dramas unfolded in my mind. With my earphones on, I did not even once check for the time.

Admittedly, buses are slower, more uncertain, and have numerous inconveniences. However, it can be a better choice for exploring areas that are so familiar that one has lost interest.